Tablo Data Model

The Tablo data model is structured around three tables, shown in the diagram below:


The main table, FeatureService, contains the information about the feature service itself, its capabilities, extents, etc. The ID for the FeatureService will be used in any URLs used to reference the data.

The FeatureServiceLayer table associates an individual layer with a FeatureService. Currently, this is a one to one relationship, but could be one to many in the future. The table property within the FeatureServiceLayer identifies the table where this FeatureServiceLayer will retrieve it’s data from.

The FeatureServiceLayerRelations table allows the association of related tables to the main layer table. Associated data will be pulled from a table named with the same name as the FeatureServiceLayer’s table, but with a suffix of _{related_index}. So, if the original layer pulled data from a table called db_12345, the first related table would be called db_12345_0.

Data Tables

Tables containing data can have any structure, but must contain the following a db_id field that is the primary key for the table, and a dbasin_geom field that contains the geometry for the given row.

Related tables do not need these fields, but must have foreign keys that match the source_column and target_column in the FeatureServiceLayerRelations table.